Opportunity for specialists in Regional Anaesthesia: Join the Influencer Program and Make a Difference

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An innovative way to get YOUR voice heard

Do you have news to share with your colleagues and peers or maybe have a specific opinion about SAFIRA: SAFer Injection for Regional Anaesthesia?

Medovate is inviting specialists in anaesthesia and anesthesiology to share their insights and opinions about Regional Anaesthesia and SAFIRA® by becoming a part of a dedicated new Influencer Program* for SAFIRA®.

An honorarium will be provided for participation in this program. Further details are below.

Connect with your peers and apply to be a SAFIRA® Influencer today:

Complete the short online general enquiry form here or alternatively e-mail the Program Lead directly:

What does the Influencer Program involve?

There are various ways to join the conversation, chose whichever way suits you best.

Become an e-Teacher

Nothing is more powerful or insightful than watching an expert.

Medovate is providing an exciting new opportunity to become a ‘SAFIRA® e-Teacher’, enabling you to share your knowledge and expertise by producing a short presentation, animation or video about the use of SAFIRA® for the regional anaesthesia process.*


Please send us your proposal and we will be able to discuss with you its potential inclusion in a special new e-Learning section on our website.


* Influencer and e-Teacher Program – terms of participation: An honorarium will be provided for participation in the program; there are limited places available to participate and these will be allocated on a first come first serve basis; Medovate reserves the right to have the final decision on participants admitted to the program


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General Enquiry Form

Complete the short form below with details of your general question or request for information. Fields marked with * are mandatory.

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We take your privacy seriously. The information above is required to help us ensure our content is suitable for your needs. “We”, includes Medovate Limited “Medovate”. By clicking submit you confirm that you have read and understood the Medovate Terms of Use and Cookies & Privacy Policy, agree to your data being processed in that way.