“Best Medical Device Innovation Development Company 2021 – UK” by Global Health and Pharma (GHP)

22nd Jun 2021

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Medovate has been named “Best Medical Device Innovation Development Company 2021 – UK” for its collaboration, determination and enthusiasm to support the development of NHS-created innovation.

The company was awarded the accolade by Global Health and Pharma’s (GHP) 2021 Global Excellence Awards for its drive to become a provider of specialty medical devices for anaesthesia, critical care and surgical solutions that help to enhance patient care and quality of life.

The Cambridge-based start-up differentiates itself from traditional medical device companies because of its strong association with the NHS. Uniquely the company’s technology pipeline is fed through a number of strategic partnerships and relationships in the UK, including the NHS Innovation Hub Health Enterprise East (HEE), NHS Trusts, the Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI) and working with the Academic Health Science Network.

The Medovate team work with NHS clinicians to take their ideas through the full development cycle – ensuring the inventors remain involved throughout the whole process, right through to commercialisation. Each technology in the company’s growing portfolio has the same core focus; a clinician inspired innovation that helps improve patient safety.

Speaking about the award, Managing Director Stuart Thomson said: “We are delighted to receive this award. In just three years Medovate has launched its first product globally, received regulatory approval in key markets such as Europe, Australia and the US, and is working with leading players including Vygon, Mercury Medical and Konica Minolta to get its products to patients across the globe.

“Despite the business challenges of COVID-19 and navigating the changes in regulatory requirements in Europe and Brexit, the Medovate team have still managed to launch our first-ever technology to the largest medical devices market in the world and attained regulatory approval for its distribution across a number of new territories. That is a real achievement and one that we are extremely proud of.”

Over the next 12-18 months, Medovate plans to continue to work with its global partners and the regional anaesthesia community to position SAFIRA® as the device of choice for supporting safer regional anaesthesia. There are also a number of exciting new additions to come, including an NRFit™ syringe and a palm operator device. The company has also made strides into the veterinary field, where the technology can be used by vets to improve the delivery of regional anaesthesia. In a recent world first, SAFIRA® was used during dental surgery on a lion.

The GHP awards recognise and encourage creativity, innovation and quality culture present in companies, organisations and their leaders. The awards help to shine a spotlight on innovation within the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries by recognising those companies who successfully develop crucial new ideas and products and bring them to market to benefit these sectors.

For the full story take a look at page 27 in the latest edition of the Global Health & Pharma Magazine (GHP Q2 2021) here.

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