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1st Sep 2020
Cambridge-based medical device company Medovate has been named ‘2020’s Leading Innovators in Medical Device Development’ in Global Health & Pharma’s (GHP) 2020 Global Excellence Awards.
The GHP awards recognise and encourage creativity, innovation and quality culture present in companies, organisations and their leaders. Regardless of size, all businesses nominated are judged on merit and their contribution to the sector. Information is gathered and researched from a variety of sources before a final impartial panel identify those most deserving of acknowledgement. Final judgement is cast based on various criteria including: business performance, longevity, business growth (either sustained or rapid) and any significant innovations or feedback.
The awards help to shine a spotlight on innovation within the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries by recognising those companies who successfully develop crucial new ideas and products and bring them to market to benefit these sectors.
Medovate’s award reflects its recent successes in developing and commercialising medtech solutions that have arisen from within the NHS, for the benefit of patient care in the NHS and beyond, such as the recent launch of innovative regional anaesthesia technology, SAFIRA®, across the United States, before launching in other markets including Europe.
With other products in the portfolio at various stages of development and commercialisation, Medovate has established itself as a key player in the medtech industry for medical devices relating to its specialisms of anaesthesia, airway management, critical care and surgery in a relatively short period of time.
Medovate offers funding, expert advice and hands-on support during the critical early stages of development for medical device innovations. As such the company plays a key role in ensuring that medtech innovations with the highest potential for patient benefit are supported and ultimately brought to market to benefit healthcare across global markets.
Stuart Thomson, Managing Director, Medovate, commented:
“This award reflects the commitment, professionalism and expertise of the entire Medovate team to bring innovative technologies to market for the benefit of healthcare and patients. In a relatively short period of time, Medovate has established a strong and growing reputation for medical device innovation and development, underpinned by robust quality standards. The company is in a strong position for continued growth and we aim to broaden our existing portfolio of devices in development within the areas of anaesthesia, critical care, airway management and surgery.”
Read the associated article in Global Health & Pharma Magazine here: “Magnificent MedTech from Medovate”
We're experienced in commercialising new medical devices with clinical creators working in the NHS and beyond - call us today for a confidential, no obligation conversation