Medovate Official Executive Partner of World Airway Management Meeting 2019

4th Oct 2019

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Medovate will be exhibiting and sponsoring a workshop session at the second World Airway Management Meeting 2019 (WAMM) taking place at the Amsterdam Conference Centre Beurs van Berlage on 13th – 16th November 2019 as an official Executive Partner of the event.

Medovate will be exhibiting on Stand Number 1 as an Executive Official Partner.

WAMM 2019 is the combination of the Difficult Airway Society (DAS) and the Society for Airway Management (SAM) and the European Airway Management Society (EAMS) annual scientific meetings, attracting a world class audience of professionals in the field of airway management. The event promises a high level programme of lectures, workshops and networking events for healthcare professionals.

Medovate are proud to be presenting and demonstrating two innovative new devices from their revolutionary product portfolio to medical professionals for the first time at WAMM 2019.

‘SAFIRA’ provides an end-to-end safety solution for regional anaesthesia. ‘Humidicare’ is an innovative safety Heat and Moisture Exchanger (HME) to help prevent critical airway obstruction. Both are designed to be intuitive and operator friendly, promote patient safety and help prevent life threatening ‘never events’.

Both devices have arisen from innovation within the NHS. Two of the clinicians involved in developing the Humidicare, Dr Peter Young, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, and Dr Jonathan Dean, an ICU registrar researching patient safety will deliver a dedicated workshop about the device on 14th November as part of the WAMM 2019 programme.

The workshop will discuss engineering safety solutions into anaesthetic and ICU equipment, critical airway obstruction with unintentional use of HME(F) and active humidification, related NHS Improvement alert to improve patient safety and the extent of the problem and how the ‘Humidicare’ temperature-dependent warning system, manufactured by Medovate Ltd, provides a user friendly solution. Those attending WAMM 2019 can sign up to attend the lunchtime workshop.

Medovate are based in Cambridge, UK and specialise in developing and commercialising innovative medical technologies arising from within the NHS. The company was recently named ‘Most Innovative Medical Device Development Company’ in Eastern England.

Members of the Medovate team will be at WAMM 2019 and appointments can be made to meet with them – contact to arrange a meeting.

Useful links:

More about WAMM 2019

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